“You can make a difference in someone’s life.”
Antoine Sadler, Professional Truck Driver, Walmart
Antoine Sadler first joined the trucking industry as a professional truck driver in 1994. He has been working for Walmart for the past 19 years.
Growing up with a father who was a truck driver, Antoine knew he wanted to join the industry from a young age. “My dad was a driver so I kind of followed in his footsteps as a driver.” Hearing his father’s stories when he returned from work travel, combined with Antoine’s love for traveling, he told TMAF, “It seemed like trucking was just a calling for me.”
As a member of Walmart’s elite Road Team, Antoine is not only a professional driver; he is also an ambassador for his company and the trucking industry as a whole. As a national certified driver trainer at Walmart, he has been teaching safety classes to drivers for several years.
As a member of the North Carolina Trucking Association Road Team, he educates new truck driving school graduates and shares safe driving tips within the community. He recently spoke to high school students in a driver’s education class at a local high school.
Antoine is involved in other organizations within the trucking industry. He has been on the Board of Directors at Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT) since June 2021. He first became involved in the organization in 2016, and it’s a cause that is very important to him. “I enjoy speaking and educating people in the industry on how a driver can recognize and report human trafficking.”
A talented driver dedicated to safety, Antoine is a 2022 North Carolina State Rodeo champion in the Sleeper Class. He also placed fourth at the 2022 ATA Nationals and was part of a team, Team North Carolina, that won first place at ATA Nationals for the state with the most points.
Speaking about his love for trucking, Antoine demonstrates the pride he has as a truck driver. “You can make a difference in someone’s life. By knowing what you’re hauling or what you’re doing is providing a life for someone else, or is providing a living for someone else, you are a key factor to making this country move and you’re a part of something big, and that’s something I’ve always wanted to be a part of something big, something important.”
In addition to educating new drivers, Antoine says his favorite parts of the industry is that he loves meeting different people and listening to their stories.
When asked why diversity is important for the trucking industry, Antoine explained that having people with diverse backgrounds, viewpoints and perspectives is critical and helps make the industry stronger. “Everyone has something to bring to the table.”
For those considering a career in trucking, Antoine cites the opportunities available to them. “If this is the industry for you, there’s great rewards behind it, because you can do more than just drive a truck. The industry is so massive that you can get into whatever it is that your heart desires.”
Antoine has always been fascinated by trains and trucks, and his love for the transportation industry is also a hobby. “I’m an avid collector of model trains and trucks.” When he’s not working, Antoine enjoys running his model trains. “That’s my relaxing time.”
He is a father of two adult children, a daughter and a son and is grandfather to his first grandchild.