Inspiring the next generation of truckers
By Kevin Burch, Co-Chair, Trucking Moves America Forward (TMAF)
Today, across the country, millions of parents and children will take part in Take Your Kid to Work Day. Hosted annually, Take Your Kid to Work Day is designed to inspire the next generation of our workforce and show children the endless opportunities and career paths ahead of them at a young age.
Trucking Moves America Forward (TMAF) was established to tell the story of trucking’s essentially to the American economy and to humanize the industry. Industry participation in events like Take Your Kid to Work Day helps us spread that message, especially among younger generations, highlights the human aspect of trucking, and may even inspire the next generation of truckers.
Take Your Kid to Work Day also provides a great opportunity to make trucking a family business and show children the importance of a good work-life balance. Whether it’s stories of children who drove along with their parents during summer break or helped their parents in the shop on weekends, within the trucking industry there are so many family businesses and stories of the generations of trucking. We’ve featured some of these stories on our website, which you can view on our Meet the Truckers page here.
In the trucking industry, recruiting qualified drivers, especially among the younger generation, is key to the success of the industry. Take Your Kid to Work Day is the perfect way to show children the importance that trucking plays in our economy, communities and day-to-day lives, and offers them a great career path that they may not have considered before.