America’s Truck Drivers: Delivering Life’s Moments
Teaching your grandkid how to bike, playing tee ball with your son, or sharing an afternoon snack of milk and cookies with your daughter, are just three examples of life moments made possible by America’s truck drivers: the individuals who deliver the items and products for these family events.
Through rain, snow, sleet or shine, America’s 3.5 million professional truck drivers travel 462.5 billion miles each year to safely deliver the goods that 80 percent of American communities across the country rely on year-round. This week, during National Truck Driver Appreciation Week, September 8–14, 2019, TMAF is thanking the faces of the industry: America’s truck drivers, for their commitment to moving America forward and helping create memorable moments through deliveries.
“Delivering Life’s Moments” is the theme of this year’s #ThankATrucker campaign from TMAF, during National Truck Driver Appreciation Week. TMAF’s goal is two-fold: to thank America’s drivers and to educate the motoring public through a digital and advertising campaign.
To meet those goals, this year’s digital campaign will feature families making memories alongside an image of a professional truck driver and the message #ThankATrucker. The online campaign is launching on TMAF’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn channels.
Over the airwaves, we’ll thank our professional truck drivers telling the public how essential the trucking industry is in delivering all our products and goods. Starting September 8, the commercials will air on Westwood One Sports programs nationwide, including CBS Sports, NBC Sports and play-by-play broadcasts of professional football.
TMAF also created and offered billboard advertisements to state trucking associations and companies to run during National Truck Driving Appreciation Week or at any time during the year. The billboards, which are customizable, feature award-winning drivers from specific states or regions. Print advertisements are available too. TMAF is encouraging the state groups to download and share all these materials at:
To thank our professional truck drivers and bring the industry together, American Trucking Associations is hosting “Trucking Day” in the Nation’s Capital on Friday, September 13. Mascot Safety Sammy will be taking part in the festivities and greeting fans at the Navy Yard-Ballpark metro station at Nationals Park. A truck driver will sing the National Anthem, and eight trucking representatives will be honored on the baseball field. Trucking Day is one more way that the industry is educating the motoring public on the significant value the trucking industry brings to our nation’s economy and our communities.