8 ways trucking delivers the holidays

Trucking Moves America
3 min readDec 22, 2016


By: Kevin Burch

Holidays and trucks: many may not realize they go hand in hand.

When I meet with people during my travels across the country, I continue to see how much education is needed about the essentiality of trucking to the nation’s economy and in our everyday lives. Trucking keeps America moving in ways you wouldn’t expect, and that rings ever so true this time of year.

No matter who you are, which holidays you celebrate, or where you’re from, all holiday traditions share something in common — they’re all made possible by trucking.

1. Delivering that perfect gift across the country

Trucking is the only industry that can say it directly ships to every community in America. No matter where they live (or how last minute you made your purchases), your loved ones’ gifts can be safely delivered thanks to trucking.

2. Transporting trees from the forest to your living room

The majestic trees in your living room and town square also arrive with the help of the trucking industry. The industry even delivers the U.S. Capitol Christmas tree to Washington, D.C. each year. The 80-foot Engelmann spruce traveled 2,800 miles by truck across the country this year, hailing from McCall, Idaho.

3. Providing the fuel to make it to family dinner

Trucking keeps your family members moving on the roads for that special time together by ensuring our gas stations are amply stocked with fuel.

4. Stocking grocery store shelves

The trucking industry delivers all the fixings your family needs to share a holiday meal. Arguments about politics not included.

5. Festively decorating downtowns

Trees are just one component of the holiday décor that makes this time of year so special. The lights on downtown trees and wreaths on your neighbors’ doors also come courtesy of trucking.

6. Honoring our veterans with Wreaths Across America

Each year, the trucking industry joins together to support Wreaths Across America, delivering wreaths to more than 1,000 veterans cemeteries. The 300-truck journey starts in Maine and culminates at Arlington National Cemetery.

7. Embodying the holiday spirit with volunteer work

Wreaths Across America is just one example of the trucking industry’s volunteer work. Dozens of trucking-industry organizations and state-level trucking associations are getting involved in everything from Toys for Tots and Adopt-a-Family efforts to assisting food banks, schools, and the local Salvation Army to ensure children and families are cared for — during the holidays and year-round.

8. Ensuring you arrive safely at your destination

We recognize the enormous responsibility that comes with delivering the holidays. That’s why professional truck drivers are trained and dedicated to ensuring the safety of all motorists on the road, and why the industry as a whole invests $9.5 billion each year in safety. The investment spans all facets of trucking safety, including driver training, compliance with safety rules, on-board safety technology, and awards and bonus pay for improved safety performances.

Professional truck drivers sacrifice time with their own families to ensure our gifts are delivered, our tables are set, and our roads are safe — a true embodiment of the holiday spirit.

If you’re not acquainted with a truck driver or industry professional, I have a small challenge for you this holiday season. Take a second to acknowledge a truck driver who’s refueling next to you at a truck stop or delivering a gift to your front door. That small recognition can make a profound difference in his or her busy day of delivering the items that we enjoy, but sometimes take for granted.

Kevin Burch is the co-chairman of Trucking Moves America Forward, chairman of American Trucking Associations and president of Ohio-based Jet Express.



Trucking Moves America
Trucking Moves America

Written by Trucking Moves America

Every day, millions of trucks travel across the country to move America forward. When trucks stop moving, the country stops moving.

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